We offer comprehensive solutions for all environmental aspects. We will compile an Environmental Product Declaration, Carbon Footprint or Greenhouse Gases Emissions Inventory of the organization. We will propose an eco-design or overall strategy to improve the environmental footprint and are ready to help with. We will help with CSRD (ESG) reporting or implementation and solution of energy management.
Analytics & Insights
We can hepl You to identifiy the environmental aspects for the Environmental Management System. An analysis of the energy flows can help to identify the probably savings and opportunities for improvement, as energy could have the greatest impact to Your Carbon footprint. The Quality Management System identifies the opportunities for Your company improvement.
Advisory & Strategy
Your Company´s GHG Emissions Invetory or Your Product´s Life Cycle Analysis with our Advisory service can hepl You to compile the risks and opportunities to set a strategy for CSRD reporting. We will help You to design environmental improvement solution for setting ESG goals to make Your businenss environmental sustainable.
An Energy Management System application will not only facilitate monitoring and planning, but most importantly will help You to reduce consumption and energy payments, which will also contribute to reduce your GHG footprint.The Sustainability Report (ESG) will bring better goodwill and thus better sources of financing for your business. A "green" brand will increase your income and expand your customer base.
Work with Eagle Engineering
We are a team of freelancers who work together according to each different project to fit our customers special needs and situations, as all of our solutions are unique and customer account based. As a group of individuals we have gained specialized skills to perform the best expertise to exceed our customers expectation.
If our work appealed to you, do not hesitate to contact us, perhaps we can realize our visions and plans together.